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Showing posts from October, 2012

What is Facebook? How do I set up a Facebook account or sign up for Facebook?

What is Facebook? Facebook is a social network that connects people both personally and professionally through messages, status updates, photos and videos.   Facebook allows both personal and company profiles (page). How do I set up a Facebook account or profile? To use Facebook for social media networking, you first need to set up your Facebook profile. First, go to . To set up a personal Facebook profile or account, click on the Green 'Sign Up' Button.  You will then see a page that looks like this, and you go ahead and fill in your personal details. You will then progress through 3 'getting started' steps.  Firstly, you will be asked to find your friends. You need to select gmail, hotmail or other. When you enter your email, Facebook will invite people in your email contact list to be your Facebook friend.  If you don't want to at this point, just click on 'skip this step' at the bottom right of the window. Secon...

What are social networks? What is social media?

What are social networks? A network is a group of friends, colleagues, and other personal contacts. Strong social networks can encourage healthy behaviours.     Regarding the world of computing, online social networking is when online communities of people with common interests use a Web site or other technologies to communicate with each other and share information. For example, a business-oriented social network would encourage people to share business related material.  What is an online social network? A social network itself is a website or online service that facilitates this communication.    Examples of online social networking platforms include Facebook and Twitter . One of the most popular business to business social networks is Linked In. What is social media? Broadly speaking, social media can be described as "interactive platforms via which individuals and communities create and share user-generated content."  That means that socia...

Social Media is Easy!

Welcome to social media is easy! Do you want to learn how to use social media to connect with friends and family?  Or maybe you want to use social media to promote your business? Whatever the reason, I can help! I have set up this blog due to the endless questions that I get asked about setting up and using social media. This blog is a basic introduction to using social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter safely and successfully. The truth is, social media is easy. Anyone can do it. I hope that this blog will support you in learning how. Enjoy!