What is User Generated Content
User generated content is content generated by you as the Facebook user. That means that anything that you publish on Facebook or Twitter (or any social media site) is user generated content.
Checking and Referencing User Generated Content
User generated content should always be checked before
release. Acknowledge other sources if the content that you are releasing
is not originally your own. This applies across all social networks.
5 Tips for Creating User Generated Content
- Always credit the source of the information.
- Use Pictures and Videos to make content engaging and exciting.Use original photographs or ask permission from he photographer for use of photos.
- Check for spelling, punctuation and grammar before you press 'tweet' or 'post'.
- Use #hashtags to create campaigns based on your keywords that will be found and shared.
- Ensure that your content is within the social media terms and conditions and is not offensive or innapropriate.
Using Hashtags to get in on the Trend!
It's great to see what's trending on Facebook and Twitter by the use of hashtags. You can jump in on meaningful conversation. However, don't make the mistake of piggybacking on a trend and saying something that is offensive to the detriment of your business.Kenneth Cole (fashion label) made the mistake of tweeting at a time when #cairo was experiencing riots due to political unrest and linking this to his fashion brand! This big mistake resulted in not only criticism, but a fake Twitter account being set up in his name to shame him further. Always better to create your own trend than insensitively jump on another.
Read more about the Kenneth Cole Twitter backlash.
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